Through the magic of distance conventions, I’ll be attending this year’s Readercon from August 13-15, 2021 — including one panel with an excellent crew of people.
Sunday August 15, 2021, 6:00pm
Darmok and Jalad and Merriam and Webster. At the “Decolonizing the Imagination” panel at Readercon 30, Cadwell Turnbull observed that linguistics as an academic field is restricted and distorted by underrepresentation of marginalized groups. How does that affect the ways languages, including constructed ones, are used in speculative fiction? What can authors do to overcome biased notions of what makes a language sound “magical” or “alien”?
Leah Bobet, John Chu (mod), Francesca Forrest, Greer Gilman, Sarah Smith.
Registration is open now, and the lineup of panels looks bluntly delicious. Hope to see you there!